The atmosphere of the classic film noir whodunits of the '30s and '40s is shifted to the world of modern-day Southern California teens in this clever, offbeat thriller. When his ex-girlfriend turns...
Anne Hathaway and Bijou Phillips star in this searing, contemporary drama that follows a group of rich suburban teenagers who become infatuated with the "gangsta" culture. Their journey to the...
Ryan Reynolds, Anna Faris, Justin Long, Kaitlin Doubleday, Andy Milonakis, Dane Cook, Chi McBride, and Luis Guzman star. Extras include new cast & crew commentary, documentary, deleted scenes,...
Gripping tale of international intrigue stars Nicole Kidman as Silvia Broome, a U.N. translator who overhears a plan to murder the corrupt ruler of the troubled African nation where she was raised...
Blu Ray pressing. Serenity, the action-packed event that delivers thrilling non-stop adventure, incredible battles in dangerous worlds and spectacular visual effects, is now available containing...