RICHARD PRYOR: ICON explores how Pryor transformed from a straight-laced comedian to one of the most controversial and thought-provoking acts of his time. Sex, drugs, race - nothing was off-limits to...
Recounting the culture-defining influence of Richard Pryor - one of America's most brilliant, iconic comic minds. Includes never before seen interviews, archival footage, and more.
I Am Richard Pryor - DVD - I Am Richard Pryor tells the story of the legendary performer and iconic social satirist, who transcended race and social barriers by delivering his honest irreverent and...
Richard Pryor - Vinyl LP pressing. 1968 album from the stand-up comedian and actor, Richard Pryor.1. Super 2. Girls 3. Farting 4. Prison Play 5. T.V. Panel Show 6. Smells 7. Army Life 8. Frankenstein