Debuting on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim block in 2013, this offbeat animated series follows Rick Sanchez, a mentally unstable alcoholic who also happens to be a scientific genius. When he moves in...
Debuting on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim block in 2013, this offbeat animated series follows Rick Sanchez, a mentally unstable alcoholic who also happens to be a scientific genius. When he moves in...
Debuting on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim block in 2013, this offbeat animated series follows Rick Sanchez, a mentally unstable alcoholic who also happens to be a scientific genius. When he moves in...
Debuting on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim block in 2013, this offbeat animated series follows Rick Sanchez, a mentally unstable alcoholic who also happens to be a scientific genius. When he moves in...
Debuting on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim block in 2013, this offbeat animated series follows Rick Sanchez, a mentally unstable alcoholic who also happens to be a scientific genius. When he moves in...