The Hellhounds are a ruthless gang of outlaws terrorizing the residents of the small Texas town of Blind Chapel. The citizens' only hope may lie with an enigmatic Russian gunfighter named Ivan...
The television western might have ridden off into the sunset and the movie western might be nowhere near as popular as it used to be, but the popularity of the old theme songs shows no sign of...
In this made-for-tv western, George Peppard stars as Major John Harkness, the beleaguered commander of an isolated frontier cavalry post in the midst of a Kiowa Indian rebellion.
Nighthawks Rio Bravo CD1. Still Happy 2. El Camino Pacifico 3. Camel Eyes 4. Valparaiso 5. Detroit Bel Air 6. 20th Century Dogs 7. Fortune 8. Chevrolet Nomad 9. Rio Grande 10. A California