An investigation of how Donald Trump defied expectations to win the presidency. Through interviews with key players, the film shows how Trump rallied millions of supporters, defeated adversaries, and...
Directed by acclaimed filmmaker Walter Salles (Central Station, the Motorcycle Diaries) and based on the iconic novel by Jack Kerouac, ON THE ROAD tells the timeless story of Sal Paradise (Sam Riley,...
The Loud House: Road Tripped (Season 3, Volume 1) will be the fifth DVD release of The Loud House. It will be released by Nickelodeon and Paramount Home Media Distribution. As the title suggests,...
Horror novelist Roger Cobb is a man on the edge, reeling from his recent divorce, haunted by the mysterious disappearance of his young son, and struggling with his new book about his traumatic...
Imagine a youth pastor whose support for a gay teen puts his job in jeopardy. After the church puts him in a two-week Jesus timeout, he hits the road, and all kinds of craziness ensues causing him to...