Bruce Robison was born in Houston, but hails from Bandera, the self-styled "Cowboy Capitol of the World," in the Texas hill country between Austin and San Antonio. His debut Lucky Dog release...
Bruce Robison & The Back Porch Band is a "real" nine-track album made up of good-time, light hearted romps ("Rock n' Roll Honky Tonk Ramblin' Man") and wistful, sometimes bittersweet ballads...
Robison,Paula Art Of Paula Robison CD1. Morceau de Concours 2. Sicilienne 3. Fantasie Brillante Sur Carmen 4. Sontine en Trio 5. Sontine en Trio 6. Sontine en Trio 7. Syrinx for Solo Flute 8. Deux...