Viento Zonda is Eric Vloeimans' new adventure that exudes the warmth of the Argentine breeze along the Andes. The gentle, even tickling sensation surprises as Eric and his musical brother, the...
Robot Heart Robot Heart CD1. Singing to the Ghost 2. Static 3. Raining Stones 4. Crossing the Desert in a Taxi 5. Lost in Stereo 6. Silence 7. The Robot Heart 8. Piano Intermission 9. After the...
An L.A. based band that incompasses rock with Wiggle Punk, electro, and new wave. Tracks include: "Alive", "Scream", "Dirty Life", and more. Their first single is "Dynomite".1. Dynomite 2. Song #1 3...
Robot Ninja / O.S.T. Robot Ninja / O.S.T. CD1. Intro 2. Robot Ninja TV Show Theme 3. Main Titles 4. The Drive Home 5. First Attacks 6. At the Boards 7. News from the TV 8. Video World 9. Bad Dreams...