Vinyl LP pressing. For the third installment of his PeteStrumentals series, producer Pete Rock takes a departure from the sample-heavy style that has earned him recognition as a living hip-hop legend...
The evidence of Pete Rock's legacy bangs in his latest opus, 'Petestrumentals 2,' the sequel to the 2001 classic that helped define the hip-hop instrumental record. It marks the legend's first album...
A renowned producer lauded for his innovative production and impeccable ear, Pete Rock is widely recognized as one of the greatest and most influential hip hop producers of all time. A pioneer of...
Pete Rock revolutionized Rap production through groundbreaking studio wizardry. He made remixes matter more than the original songs. He introduced dramatic, forceful horns to raps sonic discussion...
Pete Rock is widely recognized as one of the greatest hip hop producers of all time. His name is oft included in the pantheon of the greatest, alongside DJ Premier, RZA and J Dilla. In addition, Pete...