Rodeo Road, a new collection of sensational country rodeo songs features 9 well known Australian country artists alongside Larry Cann whom was the brainchild behind this project. Artists include Lee Kernaghan, Adam Brand, Adam Harvey, Travis Sinclair, Rob Black and Markus Meier. For those of you who don't know Larry Cann he is a popular Queensland/South Australia radio personality and man behind the hugely successful KIX country radio network. The project is a mixture of classics and originals. Larry initiated the Rodeo Road project to help establish a fund to assist injured rodeo competitors with ongoing home and medical expenses, a helping hand if you like to help them get back on their feet. First single from Rodeo Road is a song penned by Garth Porter and is a great example of what the album is about. The song is called "Rodeo Rider" and Larry is joined by Markus Meier. It's sure to be a favorite to get you down the road to a rodeo or just wherever you happen to be heading. The.
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