Seven-time Academy Award nominee Richard Burton (Cleopatra) plays a British intelligence officer who leads a daring attack on the German shore defenses at Tobruk in Raid on Rommel. Infiltrating a...
A British officer (Richard Burton) lands in World War II Libya on a dicey mission: Liberate a transport of commando POWs en route to Tobruk, and then lead them in a strike against the Nazis' heavy...
Five DVD set (all previously available singly). Angel Station In Moscow is a live concert from 2000. Unearthed is a Best of compilation featuring promo clips and videos from 1973 to 2005. Live In...
The first music-only DVD release. The music program presented on this DVD consists of both two-channel stereo and 5.1 channel versions of Tchaikovsky's '1812 Overture' and Richard Rodney Bennett's...