With it's carefully planned yet complex dramatic structure and skillful transformation of a tale of heroic conflict between two enemies into a drama of impossible love, Maometto II is considered...
Set in medieval Italy, Rossini's rarely performed Adelaide di Borgogna is based on dramatic historical events that led to Otto the Great (Ottone) of Germany conquering the Kingdom of Italy. Despite...
The Italian composer Gioachino Rossini is best known for his operas. Many of their overtures and arias were catchy tunes at the time and have remained so to this day. Although it is Rossini's comic...
Rossini / Brumensis / Fogliani Bianca E Falliero CD1. Sinfonia 2. Dalle Lagune Adriache - Pace Alfin Per L'adria Splende 3. Ministri Del Consiglio - Falliero Ha Vinto 4. Viva Fallier - Inclito Prence...