In a world where giant monsters aren't just tame but a pro wrestling attraction, popular Tentacular (voiced by Terry Crews) decides he's outgrown the small market of Stoker. With the local economy on...
Meet four high school friends: Haruka, Takayuki, Mitsuki, and Shinji. Life's promise shines brightly on them until an accident leaves Haruka in a coma. Her boyfriend, Takayuki, can't forgive himself,...
Epic drama in a desolate city. Magic and technology converge in our world. Determined heroes and relentless villains. When an ex-mercenary's love is kidnapped, he must rescue her from the last...
In this deeply personal tale of estrangement and reconciliation between two rebellious brothers, set in a dreamlike and timeless Tulsa, Francis Ford Coppola gives mythic dimensions to intimate,...
This action-packed adventure film brings the international superstar to the mean street of America's toughest neighborhood. Performing all of his own stunts, Hong Kong veteran Jackie Chan comes alive...