Reissue, originally released in 1982. Formed in 1981 in Tokyo, Saboten was an all-girl-Erik Satie-obsessed-post-punk band. This album was recorded in 1982 at the legendary Studio Dig and is the first time the LP has been reissued in it's original format. Remastered from the original master tapes with two bonus tracks from the same session. This reissue has the original artwork, extended with a gatefold cover and an extra A2 poster with lyrics, liner notes, photos, and amazing artwork by the singer and guitarist Satomi Matsumot. Saboten is featured on the cult compilations Huddle No Trouble (1984) and Welcome To Dreamland (1985). "Absolute masterpiece of minimal, Satie-influenced post-punk. No other group sounds like Saboten." "Saboten means 'cactus' and, like their namesake, they are spiky and yet oddly beautiful."
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