BLEACH (Original Soundtrack) highlights music from the BLEACH anime TV show and films, adaptations to one of the best-selling manga titles of all time, and a much- beloved anime franchise. This...
The long-awaited LP analog reissue of the album 'EYES' released by Shiro Sagisu, who has been active in various fields from songs to soundtracks, at the age of 21. A powerful work that includes many...
Re-issue for the second soundtrack LP of the TV anime 'Kimagure Orange Road' released on October 26, 1987 (LB28-5056), with the same artwork and insert, but with different vinyl colors for each...
Re-issue for the original drama & image song LP of 'Kimagure Orange Road' released on April 29, 1988 (LB28-5072), with the same artwork and insert, but with different vinyl colors for each title!...