American pilot Jim Wilson (Paul Kelly, Flying Tigers) joins his late brother's former Foreign Legion troop where they are stationed in Agadez, "The Inferno of the Sahara," under the command of the...
James Belushi is Sergeant Joe Gunn, a tough American tank commander battling the Nazis in "Sahara", a remake of the classic war drama of 1943. It is October 1942, and Sgt. Gunn and his two soldiers,...
There's plenty of top-notch, explosive action in this 1943 Bogie classic about a ragtag battalion stranded in the great African desert during World War II. After the fall of the Libyan city of...
NYLON NOOSE (Die Nylonschlinge) Stockbrokers get necks broken in an Edgar Wallace Krimi-style crime thriller complete with old-dark-house setting, fiendish serial killer and intrepid Scotland Yard...