The Imperial Combat Revue takes the stage as Tokyo's defense force against a demon threat in this extravagant adventure. Soldiers in wartime, but theater performers in peacetime, the Revue's Flower...
On Blu-ray for the first time, Sakura Wars the Movie whisks you to a lavish world of 1920s Japan for a supernatural showdown between demonic forces and psychic-powered mechsuit pilots. When something...
From an interview with PlayStation, composer Bear McCreary had this to say about his work on the game's latest installment: "When Santa Monica Studio asked me to compose the score to the new God of...
Halo Wars / O.S.T. Halo Wars / O.S.T. CD1. Spirit of Fire 2. Bad Day Here 3. Perspective 4. Money or Meteors 5. Flollo 6. Just Ad Nauseam 7. Unusually Quiet 8. Flip and Sizzle 9. Put the Lady Down 10...