Samurai 7 is set in a futuristic world that has just seen the end of a massive war, many villages are being terrorized by Nobuseri bandits. The Nobuseri are no normal bandits. They were once men, but...
Samurai 7 The Complete Series - Classic - Blu-ray Disc - A war-ravaged country struggles against the terrifying Nobuseri, a vicious breed of warrior more machine than man. Seeking it's own salvation,...
In the distant past, a young warrior trained in the ways of the samurai returns home to free his people from the rule of the shape-shifting monster Aku. But their first battle ends when Aku sends the...
Samurai Champloo: The Complete Series - Blu-ray - Let's break it down. Mugen's a reckless sword-slinger with a style that's more b-boy than Shaolin. He's got a nasty streak that makes people want to...
Samurai Warriors The Complete Series - Essentials - Blu-ray Based on the hit video game series from the Dynasty Warriors franchise, this dramatic reimagining of one of Japan's most revered historical...