This documentary boldly goes where no film has gone before, focusing on the most extreme fans in the universe: "Star Trek" fans. Host Denise Crosby ("Star Trek The Next Generation") introduces you to...
Celebrate the 25th anniversary of the original classic: THE SWAN PRINCESS, a magical, musical animated adventure based on the classic fairy tale "Swan Lake" that captured the hearts of audiences...
Experience legendary actor Paul Newman in the role that earned him an Academy Award (best actor, 1986, the Color of Money). Newman joins Hollywood megastar Tom Cruise (Mission Impossible: Ghost...
Winner of six Oscars, including Best Picture, Director, and Actor, Robert Zemeckis' modern-day "Candide" stars Tom Hanks as the simple-minded but good-hearted Forrest, whose life is a series of...
2029 a female government cyber agent and the Internal Bureau of Investigations are hot on the trail of the Puppet Master - a computer virus capable of invading cybernetic brains and altering it's...