This time it's not just '70s-era London, but the entire world that must beware the infamous bloodsucker (Christopher Lee), who masquerades as a reclusive billionaire while he launches a plan to...
The original motion picture soundtrack to the Hammer Horror classic SATANIC RITES OF DRACULA. Music Composed by John Cacavas1. The Satanic Rites of Dracula - Main Title 2. Hanson Escapes from Pelham...
SATANIC - DVD - During a trip to the Coachella music festival, four friends go on a true-crime tour in L.A. While staying at a hotel rumored to be the site of a satanic possession, they participate...
Throughout history, Dracula has filled men's hearts with fear, and women's hearts with desire. In this stylish retelling of the classic tale of horror, Frank Langella gives an electrifying...