Chad Buckley is a lonely Horror aficionado, spending his days overseeing a struggling video store and arguing with his only customer, Sam. When an unsuspecting job applicant arrives, Chad sets out to...
Taking a Catskills cabin to write in isolation, wannabe fright filmmaker Fred Banks (Josh Ruben, who wrote and directed) delightedly discovered that his neighbor was the popular horror novelist Fanny...
Stunting small-town paperboy Cru Jones (Bill Allen) knew he had what it took to excel at BMX, and he wanted to prove it by qualifying for the grueling pro event known as "Helltrack." Can he prevail...
While touring 19th-century Japan, kabuki performer/female impersonator Yukinojo Nakamura (Kazuo Hasegawa) tracked down the three prosperous merchants who had disgraced and driven his parents to...