For over 20 years, British sound artist Janek Schaefer has earned significant acclaim and awards for transforming the power of half-forgotten memories into otherworldly works that are often as...
The composition is his calmest yet, and is based around location recordings made in the middle of the night above the M3 motorway, right at the end of the road where JG Ballard lived, a couple of...
Time is... Time and duration are core themes in the work of both William Basinski and Janek Schaefer, and this long-distance collaboration took a suitably long gestation of seven years from start to...
2011 release from the London-based sound artist. The composition weaves together found-sound textures, spatial sonorities, and the Shruti Box, an Indian drone instrument, which plays a central role...
With the exception of the wonderfully bizarre original Born Again Cretin, this 1982 collection of early-'80s singles is made up entirely of covers. And what inspired choices (and interpretations)...