Following a highly successful series 'Mendelssohn in Birmingham', the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra with their former Chief Conductor Edward Gardner here presents the first volume in a new...
It sounds like being in a dreamland when Icelandic tenor Benedikt Kristjnsson sings folksongs from his homeland. For his first GENUIN album, the first-prize winner of the Greifswald International...
Three years after recording Franz Schubert's Schwanengesang (arranged by Liszt), pianist Can ?akmur launches a new series called Schubert. Describing the Viennese composer as "a con-stant companion"...
Schubert / Pregardien / Gees Die Schone Mullerin Super-Audio CD1. Die Sch??Ne M?llerin, Op. 25, D795: Das Wandern 2. Wohin? 3. Halt! 4. Danksagung An Den Bach 5. Am Feierabend 6. Der Neugierige 7...
Elena Margolina's Schubert interpretations are characterized by sensitive playing, which enables the pianist to make audible the shades that are so immensely important in these works. The pieces are...