La Planete Quartet is one of Aki Takase's newest ensembles, arising from her partnership with the French clarinetist Louis Sclavis. Right from the start Aki Takase envisaged realizing Flying Soul...
Takase / Sclavis / Takase / Sclavis Yokohama CD1. Preface 2. Shower 3. Kawaraban 4. Bella Lux 5. Vol 6. Ligne de Fuite 7. Contre Contre 8. Yokohama 9. Le Temps D'apr S 10. Kurofune 11. Raw Silk 12...
Sclavis / Habanera Quartet L'Engrenage CD1. Johann Wilhelm Wilms (1772-1847)Pianoforte Concerto in E Major, Op.3 (Pianoforte ? Tangentes) 2. Joseph Schmitt (1734-1791)Quartet for Flute, Violin, Cello...