Having explored hetero-sexual obsessions in the critically acclaimed "Camille 2000" and "The Lickerish Quartet", erotic cult director Radley Metzger goes all the way in SCORE, a tale of a happily...
A band of ruthless terrorists seizes an English soccer stadium in search of a revolutionary leader (Pierce Brosnan), and former U.S. soldier Michael Knox (Dave Bautista) may be the only one who can...
Released after 19 years on a murder sentence due to the chronic insomnia that's left him hallucination-prone-and slowly dying-mob enforcer Frank Carver (Nicolas Cage) had much to do in the time he...
You can't say the mob wasn't warned about John Shaft. He's a bad dude, a numbers racketeer cautions them. Now, Shaft himself will deliver that message in a way New York City's wiseguys understand...