From traditional standards to contemporary Irish songs, Sharon Browne's CELTIC THUNDER show has captivated audiences around the world. Ireland, combines ten years of CELTIC THUNDER hits and focuses...
Nicholas Brody (Damien Lewis) is a U.S. Marine sergeant hailed as a hero when he returns home after being held prisoner by Al-Qaeda for eight years. Carrie Mathison (Claire Danes) is a CIA agent...
Claire Danes's performance remains a TV marvel (Price Peterson, Vulture) in the fifth enthralling season of the Emmy(R)-winning series "Homeland." Now working at a private security firm in Berlin,...
Nicholas Brody (Damien Lewis) is a U.S. Marine sergeant hailed as a hero when he returns home after being held prisoner by Al-Qaeda for eight years. Carrie Mathison (Claire Danes) is a CIA agent...