Whether it is a crisp morning on dewy grasses, or a flamboyant night in urban jungle, the flirtatious jazz captivates listeners as the music flows across various spectrums. From the enthusiastic...
The amazingly successful series of Shanachie Smooth Jazz compilations continues with "Smooth Jazz." Artists features: Najee, Kevin Toney, Walter Beasley, Chuck Loeb and other.1. From the Heart - Kim...
All the hits plus lots of rare studio recordings by the fabulous Dinning Sisters-52 tracks on two low-priced import CDs! Includes their late-'40s hits Buttons and Bows; My Adobe Hacienda; Beg Your...
Harris,Ramon Sweet Sister Funk CD1. First Come First Serve 2. Wijinia 3. Sweet Sister Funk 4. Sweat 5. Don't Ask Me 6. Lord Sideways 7. People Make the World Go Round