Producer John Carpenter (Halloween, the Thing) presents the third chilling installment in the shocking Halloween collection. When a terrified toy salesman is mysteriously attacked and brought to the...
On a research junket to Oxford, Yale professor Diane Bishop (Teresa Palmer) was hoping to put her problems-including her disavowed heritage as a witch-behind her. However, she stumbled on an arcane...
Cassie Nightingale (Catherine Bell) and Dr. Sam Radford (James Denton) plan their wedding while helping Grace (Bailee Madison) and Nick mend their friendship before they blend their families. Cassie...
Tom Atkins. A crazed warlock creates Halloween masks that force the wearer to commit violent crimes on Halloween night. 1982/color/98 min/R/widescreen.
The velvet pouches of soil discovered by Cassie, Abigail, and Joy mark the start of a new Merriwick mystery, one that leads them to reflect on their pasts. With the usual Middleton fun, new...