2007 installment in the acclaimed Sessions series featuring one of the truly hottest producers of the moment - Sebastian Ingrosso. The third album from one of the 'Swedish House Mafia' following the...
Follow-up album to cult-classic debut, Mantra Moderne. 'Melodi' is the second album from captivating duo Kit Sebastian (aka Kit Martin and Merve Erdem). Those familiar with the band's cult classic...
Natives of Glasgow, Scotland, Ti.1. The State I Am in 2. Expectations 3. She's Losing It 4. You're Just a Baby 5. Electronic Renaissance 6. I Could Be Dreaming 7. We Rule the School 8. My Wandering...
Japanese Reissue Featuring a Bonus Track: Since You Left Me.1. Windchase 2. At the End 3. Life Love and Music 4. Hello Phimistar 5. Peaceful 6. Since You Left Me (Bonus Track)