Japanese Heavy Metal Band in Kiss-Like Makeup & Garb. Includes Deluxe Booklet.1. Battler 2. End of the Century 3. [Japanese Title] 4. [Japanese Title] 5. [Japanese Title] 6. [Japanese Title] 7...
Man with a Mission, a band based in Japan consisting of five ultimate lifeforms, has provided theme songs for some of the biggest anime and film franchises through the years. Break and Cross the...
Dusky Outer CD1. All We Ever Needed 2. Tiers 3. Runny Nose 4. Trough 5. Sort It Out Sharon (Feat. Wiley) 6. Long Wait (Feat. Solomon Grey) 7. Songs of Phase 8. Swansea (Feat. Gary Numan) 9. Marble 10...