NTSC/Region 0. Based on one of Japan's most notorious scandals, this film tells the story of an ex-prostitute who becomes involved in an obsessive love affair with the master of the household, the...
After over 4 years of absence, the Sens group returns with a new album whose sound pop / rock the current hot rhythms seduce you as much as sweet and haunting lyrics. A formula Winning for following...
Sen Morimoto is the gleaming new self-titled Double LP from Chicago multi-hyphenate producer, instrumentalist, and songwriter, Sen Morimoto. His breakout debut LP Cannonball! (Sooper Records, 2018)...
Sen Morimoto is the gleaming new self-titled Double LP from Chicago multi-hyphenate producer, instrumentalist, and songwriter, Sen Morimoto. His breakout debut LP Cannonball! (Sooper Records, 2018)...