Beginning in the mid-1940s through the mid-'70s, Doris Day steered a successful course through music, film, and television, and, with her staunch animal activism in her later years, has remained a...
A psycho-sexual thriller about two young medical students whose mutual attraction leads to a dark obsession with the human body. In the tradition of David Cronenberg's Dead Ringer, the Sentiment of...
For this album, Sentiment Journey, Houston Person takes listeners back to that golden time, when popular music was performed by orchestras and a band vocalists, when songs were humable and danceable...
Four CD collection of classics by the actress/singer who has been called America's Sweetheart and the Girl Next Door. Features 109 tracks including 'Amapoloa (Pretty Little Poppy)', 'We'll Be...
On his sixth Criss Cross leader date, saxophonist Tim Warfield reconvenes his bandmates - trumpeter extraordinaire Terell Stafford, Hammond B3 master Pat Bianchi, and Joey de Francesco's...