Composer is the name of an interestingly unexpected duo. They have willingly set their tunes as counterpoint to trendy stereotypes while semantically founding the surprising union on their sometimes...
It's time for a melodic hard rock injection! Silvera, from Denmark, is heavily inspired by classic hard/heavy rock music. A musical hybrid of American radio rock like Nickelback and Alter Bridge with...
Mekons Edge Of The World CD1. Hello Cruel World 2. Bastard 3. Oblivion 4. King Aurthur 5. Ugly Band 6. Shanty 7. Garage D'or 8. Big Zombie 9. Sweet Dreams 10. Dream Dream Dream 11. Slightly South of...
Japan.1. Fly 2. World on Fire 3. Lady Babylon 4. Taking Control 5. Up to You 6. Between Two Mirrors 7. Garden of Pain 8. Too Late (Bonus for Japan) 9. Through the Endless Night 10. Troubles in...