The creative team behind the Emmy Award-winning Batman: The Animated Series chronicles the adventures of Superman, the legendary Super Hero. As the planet Krypton is destroyed, it's leader, Jor-El,...
The Man of Steel, disguised as mild-mannered Daily Planet Reporter, Clark Kent, and Lois Lane defend Metropolis from a variety of threats, in this movie-length compilation of Superman cartoons from...
Spun out of the popular and politically charged fantasy film franchise, this USA series set on the violence-filled night when America suspends martial law follows the Purge's impact on various types...
Timeless characters and innovative storytelling unite to create a powerhouse collection of episodes as Superman faces off with four formidable foes to defend his adopted home. Mild-mannered Clark...
He's back. A hero for our millennium. And not a moment too soon, because during the five years Superman sought his home planet, things changed on his adopted planet. Nations moved on without him...