Can you dig it? Director Walter Hill's cult classic follows the Warriors, a Coney Island gang falsely accused of killing the messianic leader of a city-wide peace summit to unite the warring...
They're an elite squad of tough New York City cops who specialize in bringing down crooks who, if convicted, will spend a minimum of seven years behind bars. When an act of betrayal by their top...
Nominated for four Academy Awards½ including Best Director, Seven Beauties (1975) stars Giancarlo Giannini (Swept Away) as Pasqualino Frafuso, known in Naples as "Pasqualino Seven Beauties." A petty...
Academy Award nominee Will Smith (2006, Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role, the Pursuit of Happiness) stars as Ben Thomas, a man at a crossroads searching for a way to redeem his heavy...