In a time of enchantments when legends and magic collide, the sole remaining warrior of a mystical order (Oscar winner Jeff Bridges) travels to find a prophesized hero born with incredible powers,...
Peter (Hugh Jackman) finds his already-hectic life upended when his ex-wife (Laura Dern) appears to discuss their teenage son, Nicholas (Zen McGrath), who has been missing school for months and is...
Few films have had as large a cultural impact as Ingmar Bergman's the Seventh Seal (Det sjunde inseglet). Disillusioned and exhausted after a decade of battling in the Crusades, a knight (Max von...
A much-requested film at Movies Unlimited, this spectacular fantasy based on the "One Thousand and One Nights" tale follows Sinbad the Sailor's (Kerwin Matthews) battle against evil magician Sokurah...