Synopsis: Following the success of their album "Quiet Revolution", the Truman Brothers dig deeper into themes of hope, faith, and strength in the face of life's challenges with their follow-up...
The Truman Brothers create Spirit-filled music for today-for every day. With it's energetic, pop-driven anthems, their new EP Quiet Revolution is a rallying reminder that there is marvelous work to...
Ori. Release '94 from the San Diego Indie rock band.This album was preceded by three other "Godspeed" albums-Godspeed the Static, Godspeed the Vortex and Godspeed the Hemorrhage-all of which featured...
Jean-Claude Rey reads Truman Capote's work "Une Ete Indien." (Spoken in the French language)1. Jour Odus Quitter la Maison de Mon Enfance 2. Ce Soir-Le Demandai Maman Qui Avait 3. Grand-P Ne M'avait...