Based on a true story, C.S. Lewis (Anthony Hopkins) is a world renowned writer and professor. Unmarried, he leads a gentlemans life filled by intellectual pursuits, remaining untouched by any great...
After a local hip-hop club owner is busted by the cops, mild-mannered rapper Albert (Chris Rock) transforms his group into the hottest in the country by adopting new identities as "gangsta rappers."...
Harrison Ford, Tommy Lee Jones. Dr. Richard Kimble tries to catch the one-armed man who killed his wife in this fast-action blockbuster based on the '60s TV series. 1993/color/161 min/PG-13.
Sean Astin, Ned Beatty. The true story of a young man who will let nothing stop him from realizing his lifelong dream-to play football for Notre Dame's Fighting Irish. 1993/color/114 min/PG.