The fairy tale world mined by Disney films for decades gets turned on it's ear in this hit computer-animated romp from Dreamworks. In order to rid his swampland home of the exiled fantasy characters...
Young navigator Moana (voice of Auli'i Cravalho), the daughter of a Polynesian tribal chief, is chosen to find a precious artifact that could save her people. She teams with demigod Maui (Dwayne...
In a small New Mexico town, a family struggling with the loss of their eldest son in Iraq gets a knock on the door from a stranger (Dan Stevens) introducing himself as the young man's platoon buddy...
When wealthy developer Tony (James Fox) acquired a new home in London, he retained the efficient-seeming Hugo Barrett (Dirk Bogarde) as his valet. His fianc?e Susan (Wendy Craig), however, was wary...