This is the selft titled debut recording from Irish accordionist Sharon Shannon. Originally released in 1991, the album catapulted Shannon into the limelight, earning her inernational recognition as...
Accordionist/fiddler Sharon Shannon has been described as "the Ry Cooder of Irish accordion music, she's at home in a variety of styles, excels at all of them and makes music that's joyous and moving...
Two CD set highlighting Sharon's 15 year career. The tracks featured on the album brilliantly encapsulate the scope of her musical influences.1. Cavan Potholes - Sharon Shannon, Lunny, Donal 2. El...
Virtuoso accordionist, fiddler and bandleader Sharon Shannon has walked a brave and personal path through traditional Irish music, inventively fusing with reggae rhythms, rock backbeats, and the...