This DVD presents the Japan Karate Association showcasing two volumes of instruction. The Techniques of Karate Volume 1: Various techniques of hands and legs demonstrated by Masatoshi Nakayama Chief...
Efthimios Karamitsos, 7. Dan Kata coach of the national team, demonstrates in this DVD all 27 Shotokan Kata and the Kata Taikyoku Shodan. In each case two views are shown from the front, from the...
Masters Iwamoto and Mashimo reveal on this DVD Karate as it was told by the founder, the original practice of traditional ground Kuymite called Idori. Katas demonstrated: Bassai Dai, chinte, Wankan,...
This DVD presents the Japan Karate Association showcasing four volumes of instruction. The Techniques of Karate Volume 3: M. Nakaya - Heian Shodan; T. Asai - Heian Nidan; M. Sugiura - Heian Sandan; H...