Spectacular MGM rendition of the beloved Hammerstein-Kern tale of show folk and steamboats along the old Mississippi. On board the show boat Cotton Blossom, an interracial couple (Ava Gardner, Robert...
Jerome Kern and Oscar Hammerstein II's immortal musical adaptation of Edna Ferber's sprawling novel receives it's most faithful and enduring cinematic adaptation under the elegant direction of James...
Fletcher Dennis (Tom Burke) ventured into the unsettling hamlet of Northampton, England, in quest of an heirloom necklace that had been pilfered from his client. As he probes the odd locality's...
Flamboyantly gay teen Billy Bloom (Alex Lawther) reluctantly gave up life with his loose-cannon mom (Bette Midler) for the rock-ribbed conservative community where his dad (Larry Pine) lived. With...
In order to break an endangered species trafficking ring, a pair of clashing cops-FBI agent Frank (Will Arnett) and NYC K-9 officer Rottweiler Max (voiced by Ludacris)-have to bury their differences...