In order to generate some income whilst at work on his larger scores, Sibelius would often take time out to compose short pieces intended for a domestic audience.
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1. Ekloge 2. Sanfter Westwind (Gentle West Wind) 3. Auf Dem Tanzvergnugen 4. I'm Alten Hei'm (In the Old House) 5. Nar Romen Blommar (When the Rowan Blossoms) 6. Den Ensamna Furan (The Lonely Fir) 7. Aspen 8. Bjorken (The Birch) 9. Granen (The Spruce) 10. Esquisse 11. Etude 12. Carillon 13. Humoresque 14. Consolation 15. Romanzetta 16. Affettuoso 17. Piece Enfantine 18. Arabesque 19. Elegiaco 20. Linnaea (Twinglower of the North) 21. Capriccietto 22. Harlequinade 23. Belis 24. Oeillet (Carnation) 25. Iris 26. Aquileja (Aquileja) 27. Campanula 28. Danse 29. Nouvellete 30. Sonnet 31. Berger Et Bergerette (Shepherd and Shepherdess) 32. Melodie 33. Gavotte