Following up on his Juno Award-winning 2013 quartet recording, "Swim," Montreal saxophonist Joel Miller teams up with vocalist and lyricist Sienna Dahlen for "Dream Cassette," where they pursue their...
Lu Lu CD1. Grita 2. Se 3. Duele 4. Entre Mis Brazos 5. Por Besarte 6. Mojame Lloviendo 7. Todas Las Mananas 8. Sera 9. Despierta Soledad 10. Una Confusion
The LIGHT FLUX CD is the FULL ALBUM released at the same time and in conjunction with Edgar's autobiography on Tangerine Dream FORCE MAJEURE. GREEN SUMMER CLOUDS is a completely new track of about 18...
Saint Lu Saint Lu CD1. Son't Miss Your Own Life 2. Rockstar Car 3. Love Song 4. Ankle-Biter 5. Here I Stand 6. What Is That Love? 7. All That I Ever Wanted 8. All in One (Multifunctional Mum) 9. I...