Radha Mitchell (PITCH BLACK) stars as Rose Da Silva, a young mother whose adopted daughter Sharon speaks of the eponymous West Virginia mining town as she sleepwalks. Rose decides to take Sharon...
Silent Hill 2 (Game Music) / O.S.T. Silent Hill 2 (Game Music) / O.S.T. CD1. Theme of Laura 2. White Noiz 3. Forest 4. A World of Madness 5. Ordinary Vanity 6. Promise (Reprise) 7. Ashes and Ghost 8...
Based on the popular horror game, Radha Mitchell (Man on Fire) and Sean Bean (National Treasure) star in this action thriller about a town possessed by the damned and a mother who must survive it in...
Heather Mason (Adelaide Clemens) and her father (Sean Bean) have always tried to stay one step ahead of the malevolent forces intent on their destruction. But on the eve of her 16th birthday, a...