A slick lawyer attempts to get away with murder in Smooth as Silk, a fast-paced film noir thriller starring Kent Taylor and Virginia Grey. When Paula Marlowe (Grey) learns boyfriend Mark Fenton...
Silk Road is the name of a darknet website designed to sell illegal drugs to anonymous buyers. This gripping, fact-based crime drama chronicles how the lives of maverick DEA agent Rick Bowden (Jason...
A trainload of silk puts Neil Hamilton on the fast track to murder in this full-throttle thrill-ride costarring Sheila Terry and Guy Kibbee. As the demand for raw silk goes sky high crooked...
Based on the best-selling novel by Alessandro Baricco, Silk is a visually stunning epic spanning two continents. Herve Joncour's (Michael Pitt) devotion to his beautiful bride, Helene (Keira...