Based on playwright Jean Kerr's collection of humorous essays, this pleasant comedy follows professor-turned-drama critic Larry Mackay (David Niven) and his wife Kate (Doris Day) as they pack up...
OUT OF THE PAST (1947) - Robert Mitchum solidified his tough-guy persona in this film directed by Jacques Tourneur and written by Geoffrey Homes. Add Jane Greer as a beauty up to no good and Kirk...
YANKEE DOODLE DANDY (1942) - James Cagney dusts off his dancing shoes for his portrayal of song-and-dance man George M. Cohan. Follow Cohan's career from his boyhood days hoofing in the family...
SHOW BOAT (1951) A vivid and vibrant saga of riverboat lives and loves has glorious stars (Kathryn Grayson, Ava Gardner, Howard Keel, Marge and Gower Champion) in Technicolor radiance, timeless...