Bass player presents a meaty session that is both nuanced & swinging, inc. 5 originals & 2 cuts penned by sax player Chris Potter & drummer Bill Stewart, also feat. pianist Bill...
Penn,Clarence Saomaye CD1. Japanese Title 2. Japanese Title 3. Japanese Title 4. Japanese Title 5. Japanese Title 6. Japanese Title 7. Japanese Title 8. Japanese Title 9. Japanese Title 10. Japanese...
Drummer Clarence Penn presents his 2nd Criss Cross Jazz album, augmented by two horns, played by tenor sax man Ron Blake and trumpeter John Swana, as well as bassist Rodney Whitaker & Dutch...
Since he arrived in New York City in 1991, drummer/composer/arranger Clarence Penn has placed his unique blend of mega-chops, keen intellect, and heady musicianship at the service of a staggering...
On his long-awaited follow-up to his critically lauded 1996 Criss Cross debut, Penn's Landing (CRC 1134), and the equally powerful Play-Penn(CRC 1201), from 2001, master...