Gamma is a dramatic Italian TV show from 1975, one of the most important of those made in the same decade: a mini-series that combines mystery and science fiction, in a story that raises interesting...
Coinciding with Suspiria's 45th anniversary, Claudio Simonetti's Goblin celebrates this anniversary with a new Prog Rock Version of the Famous soundtrack. The Terrifying and atmospheric experience of...
This album is a Limited Edition from The last USA Tour. Over the years, Claudio Simonetti and his group Goblin have managed to become a reference point in the horror soundtrack scene and in the prog...
Rustblade presents Claudio Simonetti and his Goblin playing and reinterpreting the score of one of the most famous horror movies of all times to celebrate 40 years of the idolised film Dawn of the...
Beth Harper (Kristen Bell) is a young, successful real estate agent... but she's completely unlucky in love. However, when the New Yorker travels to Rome to see her newlywed sister, she impulsively...