Florence, early XVI century. Although widely considered a genius by his contemporaries, Michelangelo Buonarroti (Alberto Testone) is reduced to poverty and depleted by his struggle to finish the...
A teenager with a death wish and a 79-year-old high on life find love in Hal Ashby's cult black comedy. Deadpan rich boy Harold (Bud Cort) keeps staging elaborate suicide tableaux to get the...
Set on the Isle of Capri, this romantic drama stars Myrna Loy as a workaholic's wife whose flirtations attract an attractive younger man. Word of the relationship reaches Loy's husband and daughter,...
Even DOCTOR NO would say yes to MADAME SIN, the 1972 espionage adventure starring Bette Davis as a sinister criminal mastermind. From her secret base in the Scottish Highlands, the eccentric and...