This Jim Brown blaxploitation vehicle directed by Jack Starrett (Cleopatra Jones) is the tale of an ex-Vietnam, ex-Green Beret captain known to his friends and enemies alike by one name... Slaughter...
Welcome to Slaughter Beach! Where the water is cool, the sun is hot, and the fish hooks are razor sharp! When beach bums Ralph and Barry (Jon McKoy & Ethan Han) are down on their luck in a job...
A group of ten children travel to an uninhabited island that many believe to be plagued by an ancient curse. One by one they are stalked and butchered by someone or something.
Fernando DiLeo, best known for a series of westerns and crime films, tried his hand at horror with this extremely sick little item loaded with nudity and violence. Set at a remote mental institution...
After a team of cheerleaders are burned to death in a gruesome sprinkler accident, the only one who got away, Tanya, returns to the cheerleader camp. Joining her are an all-new squad of drop-dead...